Saturday, December 29, 2007

New Years Eve is Coming...

How do you end a year, and start a new one with a bang?? Well, frankly I don't know. I think that it would be fun to dash about in a yacht, playing fun games, then watch a fireworks display. Wouldn't that be a fun way to celebrate the new year?? Then at midnight we could all hold a prayer meeting for the new year. Or perhaps it would be fun to go to an old stone church, and join in a candelit service with a dynamic new years message. Afterwards we could all go to the pastor's home and play games. You know, the latter option almost sounds like a new years eve 100 years ago. That sounds soo fun...

Monday, December 24, 2007

Christmas is here...

Merry Christmas Everyone!!
Have a really wonderful day, and may God go with you! Enjoy this celebration of Jesus' birth!!
In our home, we celebrate on Christmas Eve with my parents, my sister and her husband and two children, my brother, and myself. Sometimes my grandmother comes as well. Then on Christmas morning, we head to Olympia to my aunt's house where all my dad's family is. So, we kind of 'double celebrate.' ;o)
Yours Truly, Brooke Parsons

Saturday, December 15, 2007

Friday, December 7, 2007

Happy thoughts...

Did you know that imagination is just intelligence having fun???
Anonymous is one of the wisest people I have ever heard of!
Be Joyful People, Be Joyful!

Monday, December 3, 2007


The following video is of Finch Creek overflowing its banks. The bridge at the 25 mph sign was completely exterminated by floating debris. The building and parking lot shots are of Lumbermen's warehouse and hardware store where my brother, Chad, works. After the water receded, they were left with 6 inches of mud in the warehouse, with several thousand dollars worth of damage to lumber supplies.

Please excuse mommy's voice in the background. I was trying for a silent picture, but...

Here in Hoodsport, we received 14 inches of snow in 24 hours, then literally, overnight, it melted. Melting snow combined with torrential downpours, led to flooding like most longtime residents have rarely seen. It was amazing! The road between us and our neighbors was a one and a half foot rushing river!!!

In Shelton, it was also a very rainy day. The Shoemaker's pulled their canoe out and paddled around their yard.

Well, that's all for this cheerful post. I hope y'all are having a grand day.

Friday, November 23, 2007

Come See My Family...

Hey Ya'll. Let me introduce you to my family:
The pictures are not in any particular order, but that will make it randomly fun for you. I do love random things! ;o)

Aunt Judy, Nephew Jace, Sister Leigha

My darling brother and sweet niece Gracie
More Cousins!!
Second Cousins!!
Niece Gracie, and myself

My Mommy and Daddy

My Brother Chad and I

Friday, October 26, 2007

A Maiden's Quest

Just this last September, I was priviledged to go to an awesome young ladies retreat called "A Maiden's Quest." Put on by four talented and God honoring young ladies, it truly was delightful. I would to go to another of their retreats in a heartbeat. The website doesn't do it justice though, it is so amazingly good! Some topics included were:
  • Cultivating a relationship with Jesus Christ

  • Developing Vision

  • Delighting in Femininity

  • Waiting for Prince Charming

  • Living under the Lordship of Christ

  • Visit for more info.

One of the things I greatly enjoyed at the retreat was when they read Proverbs 31: 10-12: Who can find a virtuous wife? For her worth is far above rubies. The heart of her husband safely trusts her; so he will have no lack of gain. She does him good and not evil ALL the days of her life.

They began to explain that "all the days of your life" begins on the day you are born, and not the day of your wedding. That was just so interesting to me, because I had never really given it any thought about doing my future husband good and not evil. That means guarding our hearts in due earnest. I mean, why would we willingly want to look on other young men as potential husbands, thereby defrauding our own future husbands of our whole hearts? I can't remember whether it was Katrina Reibsch or Tara Riddell who said this, but one of them said that it is easier to guard your heart when you think that you are pretty much engaged. God has your future all planned, right down to the man you marry, so some day you will be engaged. So instead of 'scouting around,' walk with the attitude of you are already taken. I challenge any girl, (or guy for that matter) reading this, to save their heart for their future spouse! Remember, it is through Christ Alone that we have any strength. Don't try to guard your heart in your own strength, but in the Lord's strength and the power of His might.

Soli Deo Gloria,

Brooke Parsons

Wednesday, October 24, 2007

Looking Back

Hey Y'all! My blog just left the dark ages! I mean, it actually has pictures now. I have been hearing lately that a blog with pictures is just a better blog. ;o) Following is a collection of photos from our Summer. Consider this a sunshiny rememberence, as we head into the frosty days of Autumn / Winter. ;o) As everyone who lives in Western Washington knows, we have frequent rainstorms 3/4 of the year. A friend just pointed out that Washingtonians truly have an appreciation for the sun. ;o) Goodnight everyone, and God Bless!
~Brooke Parsons~

Sunday Night volleyball after church- July 2007

A portion of our yard / June 2007

The adorable bridge at CYIA
(My cabin is barely visible)

Myself and Hannah on Sunday Night-July

(Right after volleyball)

Beautiful Mount Baker
(taken from the ferry)

That's all folks, hopefully more pictures will be coming soon to a blog near you. ;o)

Monday, October 15, 2007

Thoughts From The Stump

Lonely. Forsaken. That's kind of how I felt yesterday. My Grandma died on September 29, and shortly before that my dad broke his hand; meaning he can't work. So, life has not been an unending source of joy for me lately. But, God has been teaching me that my joy doesn't come from life, but from Him. The Lord is really using this time to stretch me, to teach me to depend on Him, and to draw me closer. In the book of Job, Job talks about being refined, and coming forth as gold. It seems that God is trying that approach on me. :o) Well, I was sitting on a stump in the woods behind our house, vainly trying to memorize scripture and a poem I have been working on. I was kind of low in spirits, because it seemed that no one really cared about me, or wanted to spend time with me. Now, that totally isn't true, but that's the road I let myself wander down. While I was sitting on the stump wallowing in self pity, a thought entered my mind. It was something like "Maybe I could derive some joy if I start thanking God." I mentally noted all the things that I could be thankful for ie; my family, my friends I had seen earlier that day, my books, God's word etc. Amazingly it picked me out of the pit, and God began to speak to me. " For I know my Redeemer lives, and that on the earth again shall stand. And after my skin has been destroyed, yet in my flesh I shall see God, I will behold Him and not another. O how my heart yearns within me. Job 19:25-27

Oh, that verse was my life line for the rest of the day! God is so amazing. My heart started overflowing with the goodness of God, as verse after verse came to my mind, reminding me of the love of Christ, the goodness of my Heavenly Father.

Praise God from whom all blessings flow!

Wednesday, September 5, 2007

The Future

Future. That is to be or come hereafter; that will exist at any time after the present, indefinitely. ~Taken from Webster's 1828 dictionary

What is this all mysterious future? Is it just the time 2 hours from now, 2 days from now, 2 weeks, 2 months, 2 years from now? What will I be doing? What things will be different? These questions have pestered me for a few years now. I am one of those people who spends a lot of time thinking about my future, just wondering. Sometimes it fills me with a secret fear, because I don't want anything to change, yet I know nothing will stay the same. Then I worry about my life; what directions will it take? What will I be doing 10 years from now? Wait! God hasn't told me yet, so what will I do?? And on the list goes. But, in the midst of my doubt and fear, God comforts me. What a faithful God He is, sending me promises like: * I will never leave you nor forsake you... *I know the plans I have for you... *The LORD is near to all who call upon Him...

And just this morning I was turning the pages in our hymn book, when I came across a hymn titled *"He Leadeth Me." What fear need I have when:

"He leadeth me! O blessed thought! O words with heav'nly comfort fraught! Whate'er I do, where'er I be, still 'tis God's hand that leadeth me."
My attitude rather should be like this:
"Lord, I would clasp Thy hand in mine, Nor ever murmur nor repine; Content whatever lot I see, Since 'tis my God that leadeth me."

How sweet to know that though the future is unknown territory to me, God holds the map, and promises to be my compass, (and my trail guide!) the whole way. Yes! Content! No matter what lot I see, because it is my great and awesome God who leads me! Oh, there will be times when this does not seem at all clear to me, and I begin to doubt and fear. But God is faithful, and He knows the way that I take.
Following In His Steps,
P.S. On a bit lighter note, I am memorizing "My Heart Will Go On", the theme song from the movie "Titanic." "Be Thou My Vision" is coming along quickly, just for you Grandma!
(1.) Hebrews 13:5a (2.) Jeremiah 29:11 (3.) Psalm 145:18a (4.) He Leadeth Me by Joseph H. Gilmore - verse 1 & 3
Note: My Grandma passed away September 29th, 2007, and I played, "Be Thou My Vision" for her funeral while my cousins, Emily, Janine, and Amanda sang.

Friday, August 24, 2007

End of Summer Cleaning?

Guess how I have been using my freetime the last two weeks? Cleaning! Actually, I have been de-cluttering, and organizing our hallway and two attic closets. The garage is coming soon. ;o)

It has been a very, uhm, unique undertaking to say the least. So far approximately 6 large garbage bags have moved from our house to the dumpster! We now boast an organized hallway, and two semi-organized attics. My parent's attic was slightly more difficult, as mommy has 25 years worth of 'special' things stored.

Following is a list of interesting items located in our closets:

1) Mouse traps!
2) Porcelain nick-nick high heels, and one doubles as an exotic pin cushion!
3) A bag of brain teasers that my aunts have faithfully bought daddy every year for Christmas.
4)Miscellaneous papers that have no purpose.

After it was all over, my mommy gave me this really quaint old music box that looks like a cottage / water wheel. It is really cute and well made. I love it!!

And, now that all the organizing is done I get to dig into my school work. Algebra 1, History, Science, Spanish, Piano, Violin (Lord willing!), and Canning!

Well, we're supposed to be going out to dinner with my great-uncle Bruce tonight, so... it's time to go.

In Christ, Brooke

Monday, August 13, 2007

We Are Servants!

To Be a Servant =Service to Others
I wrote this for an assignment last March. This has been something that the Lord has been laying on my heart this year.

In your minds eye you see a hill in front of you. There stands a cross with a man hanging upon it. A man who was a servant in the truest sense of the word; Jesus Christ. For though I am free from all men, yet I made myself a servant, that I might gain the more.
1 Corinthians 9:19

You could say this verse was Jesus’ mission statement. He was a holy King who lived in beautiful heaven, but humbled himself to come to earth and hang on that cross for us.

Another picture flashes before your eyes. A tired man climbs into a boat and heads across a lake for needed rest with his followers. When he reaches the other side, he is unexpectedly met with a large group of people clamoring for his teaching. He lays aside his own needs to care for them. This and many other accounts tell of his selflessness. Yes, Jesus was a servant.

If you look at the characteristics of a servant, Jesus possessed them all. He was humble, gentle, patient, self-controlled, and conducted his life with peace.

It is not an easy thing to do; this becoming a servant, living with joy in every circumstance and dying to ourselves to serve others. But he who gave his life for others has promised: “If anyone serves Me, let him follow Me; and where I am, there My servant will be also. If anyone serves Me, him My Father will honor.” John 12:26
In June, I wrote a poem about this topic as well. Being a servant does not come easily to me. Often I just want what I want, and tend to forget that I am here to serve others, not myself. It is something that God has been teaching me. (Most diligently I should say!) :

A Servant

A servant, Lord Jehovah let me be:
Someone who reaches out to help men see.
Although the way be rough and lonely,
Help me find my joy in serving only.

The hard and dismal tasks;
“Give to me!” is what my heart asks.
Give the strength and joy to carry on;
Take my pride, my will be gone.

To be a servant for my Lord!
Far better than any golden hoard.
“For in finding more of you and less of me,
I will find the person You want me to be.”

Thursday, August 9, 2007

Marathon Thursday

Hello! Isn't it a lovely day?
Today was our marathon shopping day. Every Thursday, my mom and I make the 1 hour trek to Olympia for groceries, appointments, etc. This is also the day I take piano lessons, teach piano lessons, and take swimming lessons. ;o)

Gracie (my 6 year old niece) is still staying with us, so that made the day a bit longer. "Hey Grandma, when will we get to..." "Aunt B? You will play with me when we get home right?? We'll play outside together?" Ya'll get the picture, right? ;o)

Teaching piano was so fun today. The 7 year old little boy that I teach is really fun! Today we had extra time, so he told me a short, yet interesting tale entitled, "The Experiment Gone Wrong." It was a gory boy story about several bloodthirsty rabbits living in a forest. He told me all about their unique adventures. (which all involved killing by the way.) It really was cute though, so I told him he should write it all down. "Uhm" he said thoughtfully, "I can't write very well." Trying to cheer him on I told him he would learn to write very soon. "But I'll forget my story by then!" he wailed

So, I offered to write it for him, and I am now sucked into penning the words of an imaginative 7 yr. old. ;o) Well, I need to get some sleep now. Tomorrow is another day of club, and that afternoon I am going to the Kempton's house to learn the art of canning. Mrs. Kempton is planning an all night canning party. Poses to be interesting.


P.S. I am learning the hymns from the hymnbook right now. This week I am playing "Be Thou My Vision." Guess what? I'm hoping to begin Fiddle lessons in the fall! As far as memorization goes, I am learning Psalm 119 this summer!

Tuesday, August 7, 2007

Clubs, Cookies, and Craziness

This week is pretty crazy because my 6 year old niece, Gracie, is staying the week with us, and I'm teaching 5-Day club all week long as well. In case any of you are wondering what a 5-Day club is, I'll give you the general description. ;o) They are taught by teens trained through Child Evangelism Fellowship, and they run for about 1 1/2 hours every day. We teach the children Bible stories, sing Bible songs, memorize scripture, hear missions stories, play review games, and witness to the children using the wordless book. We also give invitations ( to accept Christ) at the end of every Bible lesson. They are very time consuming, (lot's of planning to do) but this one is especially difficult because it is mostly toddlers. ;o) I really have to go over the preschool section, and fit the lesson to it. Gracie loves it, and says she is having a good time. I asked her to tell my blog friends something about club. She says: "If they don't trust in God, they can learn about God at club. We played Tic-Tac-Toe."

I am baking cookies for club right now, and my mommy is telling me to dry dishes. So... I must take leave of all of you. Have a jolly day! COME TO CLUB!!!


P.S. This Friday, I get to do an all night canning session at the Kempton's house. That should be a unique experience, as I get really sleepy nearing midnight, and I have never canned tuna (or anything) before. Saturday I'm hoping to get some swimming in up at the lake with Elizabeth Shoemaker. On the schedule for Sunday is my cousin's baby shower in Oregon, church, and Sunday night party at Endicott's house. ;o) Yup, I sure am busy this week. ;o)

Sunday, August 5, 2007

A Trip To Holland

No, not really. But I wish!! Our family vacations in a quaint Dutch town in Northwest Washington every summer. Lynden is approx. 25 minutes from the Canadian border. It was originally settled by Dutch immigrants, and most of the current inhabitants have strong Dutch roots. What brings us there, (most of my family knows this, but not many of my friends do) is the annual Puget Sound Antique Tractor and Machinery Association's Steam and Tractor Show. (Wow! That's sort of a long name. We just say "goin' to Lynden") My daddy and both of my uncles inherited steam yarders (used in logging) when my grandfather passed away, and my dad does most of the 'events' with them. For this one though, my dad helps one of my grandfathers old friends, Bob Sorenson, run a steam powered saw mill. It's pretty interesting to watch! Bob's saw mill is set up year round in Berthusen Park on the outskirts of Lynden. The family joke is that daddy works harder on vacation then he does the rest of the year. ;o) So... while daddy is working, my mom and I explore the town, do a little early Christmas shopping, and have a jolly time. ;o)

One thing that kind of bugged me though was the fact that I didn't get to play my piano before we left. I thought, "Oh, it's okay. I'm sure I'll come across a piano in our travels." Sure enough, on our trips through the unique little shops, I saw several rare, old, and very beautiful pianos. My fingers itched to play, but upon further inspection there was always a neat little sign saying, "Please do not touch." Drats. And I actually believed that there would be a nice piano to play!! Oh well, not the end of the world by any means. For any one that is interested I am currently learning "Be Thou My Vision", "Unchained Melody", and "Canon in D." So far I have Canon in D memorized! Yeah! Speaking of memorization, some friends of ours and I are racing to see who can memorize Psalm 119 first this summer. (They are probably winning.)

Talk to ya'll later! ~Brooke