Saturday, December 29, 2007

New Years Eve is Coming...

How do you end a year, and start a new one with a bang?? Well, frankly I don't know. I think that it would be fun to dash about in a yacht, playing fun games, then watch a fireworks display. Wouldn't that be a fun way to celebrate the new year?? Then at midnight we could all hold a prayer meeting for the new year. Or perhaps it would be fun to go to an old stone church, and join in a candelit service with a dynamic new years message. Afterwards we could all go to the pastor's home and play games. You know, the latter option almost sounds like a new years eve 100 years ago. That sounds soo fun...

Monday, December 24, 2007

Christmas is here...

Merry Christmas Everyone!!
Have a really wonderful day, and may God go with you! Enjoy this celebration of Jesus' birth!!
In our home, we celebrate on Christmas Eve with my parents, my sister and her husband and two children, my brother, and myself. Sometimes my grandmother comes as well. Then on Christmas morning, we head to Olympia to my aunt's house where all my dad's family is. So, we kind of 'double celebrate.' ;o)
Yours Truly, Brooke Parsons

Saturday, December 15, 2007

Friday, December 7, 2007

Happy thoughts...

Did you know that imagination is just intelligence having fun???
Anonymous is one of the wisest people I have ever heard of!
Be Joyful People, Be Joyful!

Monday, December 3, 2007


The following video is of Finch Creek overflowing its banks. The bridge at the 25 mph sign was completely exterminated by floating debris. The building and parking lot shots are of Lumbermen's warehouse and hardware store where my brother, Chad, works. After the water receded, they were left with 6 inches of mud in the warehouse, with several thousand dollars worth of damage to lumber supplies.

Please excuse mommy's voice in the background. I was trying for a silent picture, but...

Here in Hoodsport, we received 14 inches of snow in 24 hours, then literally, overnight, it melted. Melting snow combined with torrential downpours, led to flooding like most longtime residents have rarely seen. It was amazing! The road between us and our neighbors was a one and a half foot rushing river!!!

In Shelton, it was also a very rainy day. The Shoemaker's pulled their canoe out and paddled around their yard.

Well, that's all for this cheerful post. I hope y'all are having a grand day.