Monday, August 13, 2007

We Are Servants!

To Be a Servant =Service to Others
I wrote this for an assignment last March. This has been something that the Lord has been laying on my heart this year.

In your minds eye you see a hill in front of you. There stands a cross with a man hanging upon it. A man who was a servant in the truest sense of the word; Jesus Christ. For though I am free from all men, yet I made myself a servant, that I might gain the more.
1 Corinthians 9:19

You could say this verse was Jesus’ mission statement. He was a holy King who lived in beautiful heaven, but humbled himself to come to earth and hang on that cross for us.

Another picture flashes before your eyes. A tired man climbs into a boat and heads across a lake for needed rest with his followers. When he reaches the other side, he is unexpectedly met with a large group of people clamoring for his teaching. He lays aside his own needs to care for them. This and many other accounts tell of his selflessness. Yes, Jesus was a servant.

If you look at the characteristics of a servant, Jesus possessed them all. He was humble, gentle, patient, self-controlled, and conducted his life with peace.

It is not an easy thing to do; this becoming a servant, living with joy in every circumstance and dying to ourselves to serve others. But he who gave his life for others has promised: “If anyone serves Me, let him follow Me; and where I am, there My servant will be also. If anyone serves Me, him My Father will honor.” John 12:26
In June, I wrote a poem about this topic as well. Being a servant does not come easily to me. Often I just want what I want, and tend to forget that I am here to serve others, not myself. It is something that God has been teaching me. (Most diligently I should say!) :

A Servant

A servant, Lord Jehovah let me be:
Someone who reaches out to help men see.
Although the way be rough and lonely,
Help me find my joy in serving only.

The hard and dismal tasks;
“Give to me!” is what my heart asks.
Give the strength and joy to carry on;
Take my pride, my will be gone.

To be a servant for my Lord!
Far better than any golden hoard.
“For in finding more of you and less of me,
I will find the person You want me to be.”


Anonymous said...

I like your poem! What a good reminder.

Thanks for posting on my blog!

14 year old rebelutionary.

Morgan said...

Beautiful poem! True servitude is hard, but so rewarding in all the right ways. Thanks for this post.

Anonymous said...

If only all of the world would understand the true power of being servers/servants to each other. There would be no more poor or hungry. Oh what a gift to Jesus to serve him in this way. Someday I know it will be.