Friday, March 14, 2008

To Cut or Not to Cut - A Philisophical Play in Two Parts

Act One: First Scene

At this point, Shakespeare is rolling in his grave. There have been many twists (both comical and idiotic) to the classical Shakespearean "To Be or Not to Be...THAT is the Question!" For my original purposes, I am again slaughtering this well known phrase. In classic brookian philosophy, the great question is not about being, but about cutting. My very small and very wise niece informed me that my hair had simply grown too long, and the most logical way to fix this most terrible problem would be to chop it off. She happily displayed her own recently shorn locks, presumably as an example to make me feel guilty over my longer ones. I am lost in a sea of kind and philanthropic friends who have forgone the pleasures of long hair, to donate to "Locks of Love." These self-sacrificing girls almost make me feel twinges of guilt over my hair. This is preposterous! ;o) In this culture of mixed up genders; with women trying to be president and men trying to be cosmetic models, someone has to be unabashedly feminine. (I don't know who is going to be unabashedly masculine though. I personally know some, but the numbers are growing disconcertedly smaller every year.) Now, I'm not trying to say that every girl has to have long hair. Actually, some girls look really nice in shorter hair, but for my own personal decision, I am choosing to keep my hair long. So my friends, "To Cut or Not to Cut" is now a question directed at you. Why do you have long / short hair?? Explain yourselves!! ;o)

Act One: Second Scene - Custom comment codes for MySpace, Hi5, Friendster and more

Does anyone besides Bethany R., Joanna R., Lael H., Hannah H. and the occasional Elizabeth S. ever read my blog?? It makes me wonder, because the "ClustrMap" shows visitors from all over, yet very few comment. That leads me to believe that a) This blog is considered unworthy to comment on by the aristocratic blogging world, b) People are scared of me, or c) There are just a lot of creepy Internet people reading this blog.

Please let me know. This could be an educational experience. ;o) By the way, "Lurkers" disgust me. FYI: A lurker is one who reads a blog, but never shows their prescence. This is weird behavior and usually requires counselling sessions. Just kidding. ;o) Don't be shy, just comment. Commenting isn't difficult. Here's a few examples:
  1. Hi! My name is Bobbie-Jo Bobkins from Bolingbroke, Butternut County. I like the letter B, and that's why I like your blog. I am giving you a thumbs up. OH!! Wait!! I just realized that you couldn't see my hand!! Tootles!
  2. Hey! Your blog is weird. I just wanted to let you know. Sorry if this hurts your feelings, but that's okay too. Do you like Peanut Butter? ~Timmy Tarter
  3. You wrote a post on hair?? I love hair too! Your blog is cool. I just wanted to let you know. ~ Ima Fibbing
  4. Hair is such a lame topic to write about. ~Nate Noname
  5. Shakespearian works display the originality of an eloquent mind full of wondrous ruminations. ~Gertrude Cloppinghop

Have a jolly day!

Tootles! ~Brooke

Tuesday, March 11, 2008

A Game of Tag?

Hey All! I got "tagged" by Bethany Roberts! This sounds very interesting... Okay, here it goes!

Here's the rules:

1. Link to your tagger and post these rules on your blog.

2. Share 7 facts about yourself on your blog, some random and some weird.

3. Tag 7 people at the end of your post by leaving their names as well as links to their blogs.

Note: I'm changing this to just tagging 3 other people.

4. Let them know they are tagged by leaving a comment on their blog.

All right, here we go. This will be potentially interesting!!!

1) I was born with deep blue eyes, and my eye color didn't change to brown until I was 3.

2) I have been known to sing in my sleep

3) The summer I was 12, I read over 100 books

4) The most bread I have made in a single day was 12 loaves

5) I am one of three children and the baby of the family

6) I look like my great-grandma on my mother's side

7) I accidentally swallowed 3 bugs in one summer

Hope you had fun with this post! Now I am going to tag Joanna, The Shoemaker's, and Laelann!

Saturday, March 8, 2008

A Guest Post From Gracie...

Hi my name is Gracie. You probably never ever met me before. I hope you have a wonderful day! I had so much fun with my Grandma and my Aunt B and my brother. And I got to see my Grandpa. I love him so much. (and my Grandma and my aunt B and my mom and my dad and Sylvia.) I like to visit my friends all the time; it is so much fun. And I like to visit my Grandma and Grandpa and Aunt B.

I tried to put pictures on, but the computer is not working now.

Love, Gracie

Note from Brooke: Gracie and Jace are my sister's children. They came to visit at our house for the day on Saturday. It was quite fun!)