Sunday, April 6, 2008

Good Times

Hey Everyone!! It's been awhile since I have blogged, hasn't it? We have been very busy, helping some dear friends move, having my niece stay with us for the week, etc. It would be very fun to do a long blog post now, but I have to do Algebra lessons!'s some pictures documenting the time that I have been away. :)

A Day of Happy Moving:

The Van is being unloaded into the new happy home
Chris, a very happy mover
My mom, another happy mover
Gabe, a happy mover showing off his macho-manly strength Drew, a happy mover trying to look bored, but utterly failing

Four happy movers, eating a happy meal
Thumbs up to Mr. Cornutt! He's the most amazing and happy mover that ever was!

A Week With Gracie:

Kitchen Photoshoot - Picture OneKitchen Photoshoot - Picture Two

Gracie At Swim Lessons
A Puppetshow Designed and Written by Gracie
As Gracie would say, "Hey guys, it was really, really fun."


SamanthaMarie said...

Hello Brooke!
(That reminds of 'ello Bruce, on Finding Nemo, hopefully you know what I'm talking about so I don't sound crazy :D)

I know! It's hard to find people that live in our area. I don't know why there seem to be so few of us, but it's pretty crazy! I'm pleased to meet you as well :)

Seems like life has been going well, if not entirely hectic, for you! Your niece is an absolute angel. The puppet show looked rather fun :D

Hope to "speak" to you soon!!

With His Love,

Bethany said...

Sounds like you've been pretty busy. Looks like you had a lot of happy movers

Anonymous said...

Happy movers....very nice! Every time I've moved I've been mostly an exauhsted mover by the time any pictures were taken. ;)

Anonymous said...

Hey sweety!!! (Brooky!!)

Haha... has been awhile since I have checked out your blog!!!
I love the pictures and I L-O-V-E the music... and I need to get ready for church... ; P

I just must simply add.... THAT I MISS YOU WRETCHEDLY!!! (and no matter how long we are apart... THIS COULD NEVER. EVER. EVER. take me away from you) <-- this also means whatever male friends come into my life will not separate either... ; P [if they do, do that... Feel free to kill them off!! ; )]

Northwest Dweller... said...

Hey Everyone! Good to hear from you all! Your blogs are all looking so cute!!


Bethany said...

Hi Brooke,
Thanks for letting me know about you going away. I hope you have a lovely time. What's the cause?

SamanthaMarie said...

I go by Samantha or Sami (I responded to this question on my blog but wasn't sure if you'd check back.) Thanks so much for the prayers Brooke. I'll be praying for you that everything continues to go well (is it going well? You should really update this blog missy ;) hehe!