Friday, February 22, 2008

MEMORY LOSS - Part One of a Two Part Series

Tip of the Week: If you have aging parents, you might want to check into memory loss supplements.

Okay, from these pictures, you can ascertain that my parents are not necessarily ancient, I must admit. But, they are advanced enough in age to really need myself and my older brother and sister's memory. Mom, my sister Leigha and niece Gracie, and I are planning on attending the wedding ceremony of Joe Hageman and Kelly Fagerness tomorrow afternoon. So of course, this past week has been spent discussing such interesting details as: "What are we wearing?", "What time should we leave", and most importantly, "Oops! We forgot to get them a present!! What should we get??" Decisions, decisions... and through it all, poor mother has confusedly asked:"Wedding?? What wedding?" To which I constantly remind her that we're going to Joe and Kelly's wedding. This is followed up by, "What time? Oh, I can't remember where I put the invitation!" Just tonight mom was talking to Leigha on the 'phone and Leigha said something about seeing us tomorrow; to which mom replied, "Tomorrow?? What are we doing tomorrow?"

As you can see from this interesting soliloquy, we have good times at our house. With fairness, and all due respect, my mother does remember a remarkable amount of things. It is just these rare times that give us cause to wonder...

And, along the lines of fairness, I will be posting a short story on my father as soon as material is provided. Which shouldn't take long, and that's the truth. ;o)

~Farewell, I am off to get my beauty sleep for the wedding..

Disclaimer: This was not meant in any way, to hurt or wound the feelings of the involved parties thus described. My own family understands, and will know that no cruelty was meant. Be a good sport, and know the same.

Monday, February 11, 2008

A Caucus, and A Tea Party

Saturday was a jolly day. We went to the Mason County Republican Caucus, and afterwards some dear friends of ours, the Shoemaker's, came over for tea. What a delightful time! Elizabeth and I dressed up in crazy outfits, and everyone spoke with an english accent. The accent was actually fairly easy to keep up for the duration of the tea party. ;o) We all ended up staying together until 6:45 PM!! I must admit, that Elizabeth and I dashed up stairs, and came down attired to play in the snow though. Henceforth the late hour at which we parted. ;o) High tea truly is better than low tea. There is more to do. Have you ever tried eating a croissant sandwich elegantly?? How about eating a cookie with a fork? DO NOT attempt the latter, as you will inevitably wind up with your cookie on the floor in several pieces. ;o)

Aerial view of the tea table
Close-up of the tea table
Mrs. Shoe, Booey, Me & Mother
Me, Elizabeth
Mrs. Shoemaker, & Mother
That's all folks! Come again soon...